Project Plain Jane

Phew! Been working a bit at a time on the garage roof,will have one of the cracks fully prepped and filled soon. On anther track,due to my father passing I will have a small fund to work with. It's pretty small but something I can maybe buy/sell a few parts,or maybe even a car or 2,build it up into a fund big enough to finish my Dart.

Well the rack is fixed,was done some months ago. I have a pic,but wouldn't you know it,photobucket is down for maintentance tonight..sure.Havent used it in months and the moment you need it..sigh...I'll get that pic up soon though.

My Dad passed last January. After all the legal stuff was done,and we paid bills,gave our kids money for thier educations there is still something left for me to spend on the Dart. Definitely not enough to get it finished,so Im looking into ways to invest it and grow the fund some.Buying and selling parts is everyones game these days,tough market to make anything in.And I honestly dont have the realestate to park a vehicle and part it out,so that's not going to work. Some sort of investment fund might,or even a term deposit with good return.