Well, I just broke my 360 block. Terminal?

Just applying a little engineering to this problem since it is not intuitively obvious what will happen: It's actually easy to figure the pressure through that hole on the back of the bearing shell. If the area is about 1/3" across, then there is about 0.1 square inch of bearing shell area exposed to the oil pressure from the pump, and at 70-80 psi, that would be about 7-8 pounds of pressure on that edge of the bearing.

The main web will exert about that much force on the end of the bearing shell when you just press the bearing shell into the web and the shell will push back with that amount of force. When you crush the bearing in place, then there will be far, far more force that the bearing shell is putting against the web and main cap, all around the bearing. Not to mention the pressure of the oil inside the bearing. So, it is to be expected that this bearing will never move a smidgen with 7 or so pounds max oil pressure force exerted on the back of the bearing shell through the breakout hole.

So it is really just about any leakage.