How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

My health insurance costs more than any house payment I ever had and I live in a half million dollar house. Every year they send a notice saying my plan no longer fits the guidelines so I have to shop it around and it goes up every year. Insurance premiums are my largest expense and the deductible is through the roof and the coverage is pure s**t. It chafes my *** that after working for 40+ years and paying taxes that winos and junkies that never did anything in life get better health coverage than I do. I don't even want to get started on this crap. VOTE TRUMP and end this farce.
Amen. I'm beyond sick of this liberal crap. I've busted my *** and made responsible decisions. I bought a house that I could actually afford and waited to start a family until I could actually take care of them. I know... i'm crazy. I shouldn't have to work for this, it's my right as a world citizen.
I'm tired of laziness and poor decision making skills being viewed as handicaps or alternative life choices.