How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

Why is is that nobody wants to point any blame at a trillion dollar empire that charges a couple years take home wages for a few hours of their time? Why is it that nobody wants to talk about the medical industries and the health insurance industries being traded on Wall Street? Why is it that nobody wants to talk about how America pays triple what other countries pay while the quality of our health care ranks near the bottom of all the industrialized countries?
This is a bullshit industry where the health care industries and the insurance industries are in bed together. It'll never be fixed because we're busy point fingers in other directions, like the government. The sooner you get over that, the better off things will be.
This is not "Free Market Capitalism" and it never will be. You can start by getting rid of the insurance companies, and then the health industry will charge what "we" can afford, instead of what the insurance companies can afford.
This is coming from someone who swore their monthly payments went down ,with the ACA five years ago... Witch is it? Has it improved your daily life,or made it worse?.