70 Duster rally dash Bezel Removel

So.. Now that the bezel is separate, You may or may not need to take it apart ( depends on your agreement with the refinish vendor ). Tips related disassembly only if.
In either case you'll need to package it for shipping. That right end is fragile and even more so with your stereo cutaway. I pick up the large wooden paint stirs from Lowes or Home Depot to use as stiffener.
The upper outer left corner has been broken during shipping too. Oversized box with lots of foam or large bubble wrap is a given.

Got the bezel separated from the gauge and bubble wrapped, with support on the radio end. Probably did not need to do anymore before taking it in. Found a place not far, taking it in, not shipping it.
Now that the car is ready to store, need to move it over to get it in car bag.
Do I need to do more as far as the wiring. Going to put electric tape on the wires going to the gauges.
Two studs on back, what about the large round connector with the pins. Two wire on the right of lower steering column. I think they are grounds.

