Old Illinois License plates

I have a stack of them from the 70's and most are sets but there are a few singles,$20-$40 per pair and $10 for singles + shipping and add 4# for PP.

1 set of 1972 ($40)
1 set of 1975 ($30)
1 set of 1978 ($20
1 set of 1971 ($40)
single 73 ($10)
1 set of 1977 ($20)
single trailer plate 1979 ($10)
single 1978 ($10)
set of 1974 ($30)

Picture 4222.jpg

Picture 4223.jpg

Picture 4224.jpg

Picture 4226.jpg

Picture 4227.jpg

Picture 4228.jpg

Picture 4229.jpg

Picture 4230.jpg

Picture 4231.jpg