906 or 452 which is best overall

I hope I never have to read such a self obsorbed post like this ever again. How many thanks you have doesn't mean ****, and besides that...if you look at your very own thanks to post count ratio, it sucks, its irrelevant. Half the time I read a good post...I'm not even logged in and often forget to login and hit the like, and I can't tell you how many times I see people get thanked meanwhile the exact info or even better was posted 4 posts earlier, its elbow rub most of the time...and imagine this, people still learn no matter their age and or subject, you just don't know it all.
It is good to back up good people, but you done it wrong in this post.

You're going to drag this up again???

Let it go...

If you don't have any input on the thread subject, keep moving along... Have a little respect for the original poster...