How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

I'll talk about it. What do propose as a solution or a starting point?

I will bite...... About 2 weeks ago I went onto the Quantico Marine Base and it was like a whole different world. Everyone was pretty much healthy looking and people were out exercising but let's remember where I was..... This leads to my opinion....

It all starts with the crap people put in their mouths daily.... Or the lack of sleep people get..... And parenting... No Applebee's tonight but rather a home cooked meal with real food and not processed crap.... I could write a book about what I just said.

You want to fix Healthcare, take care of yourself first and foremost. It won't happen overnight but eventually people will suddenly not be lining up at a Kidney Dialysis Center. If you think I am incorrect in my statement start a pole and get Gender, Height, and Weight from people on the board. It will show what has happened to us in the this country. But the good news is we can correct it.

I probably have more understanding of how the Healthcare Industry works from the Backroom but Leadfoot is absolutely right in that it is no more than a MOB run Industry that just so happens to have the ability to help you live....