How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

Nobody wants to live until their 80-until they are 79. (quote from my friend) For me it is all about monitoring my Blood pressure, my cholesterol and my sugar. Staying height/weight proportional and maintaining my cardio. Preventative medical is covered at no cost by all insurance so my annual fasting blood work and physical is all at no to very small cost. By establishing a baseline at 50+ and going annually you can see any changes in status year to year and take corrective action. Wife & I both have fitbits and she gets 10,000 steps a day. I try for 5,000+ but some days I can get 7-8 thousand. When I was fishing I got 17,000+ per day but those days are over:-( Not being preachy here, just passing on what I do to be able to build cars at my age) Oh yeah, I want to add the annual free flu shots and the one time free shingles shots for senior citizens. Just do it!
Got to go detail my grille and tail panel-----cheers to all--------DR-------:-)