How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

Looking at some of this logic, I see eating right helps in the over all health, etc. Same as the ex Mayor Michael Bloomburgh who decides I cannot purchase a large soda but of course he can eat rich foods. Then why drive an old unsafe car without air bags and crumple zones? Why drive a car that is too fast? It is a very slippery slope. And what about the people who eat right, exercise and get cancer at an early age? How about letting people live their own lives.
I was listening to a talk show host who lives in SF. A person came up and said to him, nice Corvette, do you realize how many kids could be fed by the price of that car. His answer. Yes, I do, Do you know how many kids were fed by the people who mined the copper for the wiring, the metal, he people who manufacture it and the parts, transport the parts, etc. Capitalism works if you let it. The Gov't creates no goods or services, that anyone wants to purchase. They steal your wealth legally in what's called taxes from your physical or intellectual labor. Where are hey entitled to take and take and make decisions for families? The people In Washington who are corrupt. rich,lie and cheat on their spouses?