How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

I'll talk about it. What do propose as a solution or a starting point?

There's no reason for an insurance company to exist anymore. Pay your premium directly to your health care provider. There is almost no independent doctors anymore, they all work under larger authorities. So pay the larger authority. Eliminate the insurance company as a middleman. Base your premium on your assessed risk like any and all other forms of insurance. I'm in excellent shape and never go to the Doctor. Why do I pay the same premium as some six hundred pound cheeseburger queen that sees the Doctor three times a week? Wouldn't that promote a healthier America. How about a ten percent premium refund for not going to the Doctor more than twice a year? How about the elimination of the AMA? They dictate rules that Doctors must operate under. They regulate the number of Doctors and Medical Students. How about the GOP doing a little more than sticking their fingers in their ears?

Be careful what you wish for. If the government takes over our health care it's safe to assume it will be no better than the VA!

I have no idea why you seem to think the medical system that we have now is so awesome. It sucks. With all the equipment and technology that we have, the misdiagnosis rate is no better than it was in the forties. We don't have a health care system. What we have is a symptom and pain management system. So don't flatter them. Kick them in the nuts and demand better.

"Businesses are not the enemy. They hire people an write paychecks!"
Lead will argue with you on that.

You bet your *** I will. A local here is a billionaire heir to the Stryker Medical Equipment fortune. Her and her siblings are "Billionaires" with a "B" because of beds!!! Hospital Beds, not life saving medical equipment. You got to be shitting me if you approve. The government that you so hate regulates what a goddam tow truck can charge, but hot the medical industry, and you're good with it? You are part of the problem.