How Gearing Effects HP from 1-3rd in 727's

My abs and neck muscles beg to differ with you. I am feeling some serious horses and I am Dying to find out how many it is...

I wish I could have you drive my car before and after this thing.

If you can hang on a month, I will have some professional dyno tests done and post the data sheets in PDF.

But I am trying to figure out what is going on with this thing still. I am getting some pretty significant HP and Torque increases, but the Patent Office is backed up and it will be at least a year before I hear back from them. I have more testing to do. So hang on for the ride. I know this thing is increasing HP and Torque. I may not know just how yet, but trust me, something is going on and I'm going to figure it out. I just don't have deep pockets, otherwise I would have figured out already... If it is not vaporizing fuel better, then how am I getting even 40 more horses out of the same amount of fuel. What could possibly do that then?

Thanks for your patience...

Wasn't talking about your deal. I was referencing that 4 hole spacer.

I'm patiently waiting for you to finish your R&D.