What can the 7.25 handle?

My 71 Challenger 318 2bbl had a 7.25. Unless it had been put in afterwards, I can't be sure but I very much doubt it as this car was bought as an unmodded family car. Chrysler wouldn't have used this diff in a heavy car with a 318 unless they were reasonably confident it would handle the load. Think about this, a Challenger with its rated 5 people and their luggage (not much in the trunk, but let's say it is full), that's a fair load for a diff with a 318. The fact that all these people have given them abuse and many of them still handle it means they are stronger than most people might think just going by the numbers. They were only meant for normal use, not being abused. Having said all that however, a look inside mine showed that a small chunk of crown wheel was in the bottom. About half oz of metal. But it didn't affect operation.