Pushrods, how do I measure for...

Ok, let's get something straight. As it seems, something had been lost in the translation... Literally.
First and foremost, i can't get on (site) at the drop of a dime as I work closer to 16 hrs a day. So any free time I can squeeze between cadavers ( occupation is somewhat, "dead") during work, is a luxury. Therefore, please excuse my delay with my replies.

Aside from not wanting to make this a pissing contest or a she said, he said.. i just need any help that can be offered and it will truly be appreciated it.

First and foremost the W-2 heads are not on the car, presently.... What happened was the car was making some type of noise that the mechanic said it was (after looking at the engine, heads, etc) because the pushrods were " loose" (his words... Meaning they were the wrong length) as mentioned earlier.
I don't know my *** from my elbow when it comes to putting a block together, aside from some specs of what I have (on the car) and/or....repeating what I have been told.
I don't know squat... About engine issues/repairs. I can't say the same of the human anatomy, (can take it apart and put it back together, no problem, lol )
The car was bought and was basically told to use this mechanic as he had maintained the car the last cpl of yrs of the previous owner's dealings) Ergo, I use him.

I agree with the gentleman that stated it is even harder when you explain to a "illiterate" of mass proportions when it comes to trying to deduce and/or repair an engine, than to someone who has some inclination what is being advised. Yet it does not hurt to be told how or what can be done, no matter the level of engine intellect on my part as I will just fwd this and dare I say, friendly advice to the mechanic.

With that said, I hope I have cleared the air about my dilemma, my qualities as a mechanic and most important, the utmost gratitude I have for any and all the help that has been offered by all.

P.S. I have fresh "liver" daily.... .... Should the need arise. Lol