Pushrods, how do I measure for...

fire your mechanic!

bOb has hit the nail squarely on the head. With a sledge hammer.

To the OP, it would be nice, when you get a minute, to tell us what you had, as far as parts, with as much detail as you can. Then maybe we can piece the story together and help you learn something so you don't get taken to the shower and have your fudge get packed.

Think of it this way. I posted I had a cadaver here, and I needed to take it apart, and see what went wrong. Think of all the details you would need to know so I could take said cadaver apart and ultimately learn what happened. Or, you could say...get the chain saw out and bisect from the cranium to the crotch and call it good. With details, the autopsy is much cleaner.

That kind of detail, as best you can would help us help you.

And, as jpar said, you may have more going down that pushrods that either bent, or by the miracle of osmosis and alchemy became shorter.