'pro comp' roller rockers

It's hard to evaluate parts that have a dubious reputation . I look to the racing community to see which parts that stand up to the pressures of competition . Our small block uses Harland Sharp roller rockers . Our bb uses Crane . No issues so far . It is my understanding that Comp rollers are an excellent product as well . We have used factory rockers into the 12 second zone but that's like having a grenade in your hand with the pin pulled . imho
i know right.. none of us modest guys at least..I've seen where Crane has had a roller pin bearing come loose,but that was few and far between,,I also know that every 1st year vehicle we got from Chrysler has had recall after recall.. the following year makes not so much,, so I'm assuming maybe this company has there act together by now? all the post i have seen on the bad was from 2009 - 2011 man hard to believe its 2016 eh