CR calculation, deck height/effective dome volume?

In your calculations, set DHV (deck height volume) = 0 cc, and SUBTRACT EHV = 2.2 cc Since you have positive net piston head volume sticking above deck, it will subtract from the chamber (CCV) + head gasket volume (HGV) when the piston is at the top of the stroke. (EDV? Does E stand for extra, external, extrapolated, extraterrestrial, egg-shaped? LOL)

Using my preferred calculator, and a .051" head gasket with a 4.17" hole (standard Felpro type), I am getting 10.6 SCR using your measured numbers for the piston 'dome'. So we are close.

OK on the decking.. that all makes sense. Are your 'X heads' the Indy-X types or Mopar X heads? If the latter, it looks they have been milled around .050-.060" to get to a 63-64 cc chamber volume.....yes? no? If they are Indy-X heads, then a close look needs to be taken at the head gasket thickness to insure adequate piston-to-head clearance.

Is there a reason to lower the SCR? What is the use for the engine? Street? Cruise? Pure drag race? Any info to share on the cam? Depending on this info, maybe the SCR needs to be kept as is...