Transmission Mount Question

hey, I kept it simple; $3 for a plug.
I didn't mention that SBMs don't always take kindly to high rpm. And unless the oiling mods are done the occasionally like to puke out a front rod bearing;which if caught early is limited to vibration,soon a knock, a squeek and then it rolls over and jams the crank to a stop. See, I didn't mention that.
I also didn't mention that if a lifter pumped up it can send the valve into the piston crown. If it's a light tap, sometimes it survives, but most of the time the valve gets rearranged but if you're lucky, it still almost closes, and you are limited to a vibration. See I didn't mention that either.
I also didn't mention the much rarer occurrence where a piece of the piston skirt ends up in the pan, and, oh,BTW this will for sure be a vibration. See, I was thinking I didn't want to scare you.
I also didn't talk about a few other minor things,like slightly bent pushrods,or slipped balance ring on the dampner,a blown cord in the fanbelt, or a plugged airbleed, or as you already checked, a cracked flex-plate.
Naw I was looking to be gentle, so I stuck with a cracked plug insulator.
Heaven forbid a camlobe fell off.