How long would you wait...

His nurse called today...didn't offer much in the reason why. The scheduler called as well, offered her an appointment with the timely guy 3:30. She said no....Ernie is really feeling like hell. Her blood sugar is all over the map lately. Has also developed some sort of "womanly" issue that will require a trip to the OBGYN.
Thing with an appointment this late is by 4 or so in the afternoon she is crashing and has a hard time staying awake. Needless to say the risk involved with her driving like this.
She has an appointment on Monday at 2.
@yellow pretty much nailed it. Folks are pretty damn judgemental in regards to those of us who have serious pain issues, mental health crap, connective tissue diseases etc. Can't help but chuckle when folks tell me to switch docs. No clue about the pain management contract I am under...and how few docs write scripts for Opioids here in Washington state when the patient also has mental health troubles. Visited the clinic in Suncrest a while back. Doc told me that I didn't look bipolar. I laughed pretty effing hard at her.