Hydraulic clutch pedal question
Back when I had my 73 Duster restored I had the drive train swapped and had a Keisler perfect fit kit (TKO 500) put in it. This came with a hydraulic clutch setup. I never liked the clutch pedal in this car. The way it is setup, i have to push the pedal as far as it will go and it still will grind going into reverse sometimes. Plus I am short so I have to sit a little closer to the wheel than I would like to get the clutch all the way in. The guy that did the work said the pedal wasn't adjustable because it was hydraulic. I didn't really believe him, but only now started looking into it.
Since Keisler is out of business I can't ask them any questions. I also don't have any of the installation instructions since I didn't do any of the work. I looked on Silver Sport Transmission's website, since they bought the perfect fit kit rights, and their instructions say to install the pedal connection, in most cases, to the stock location. My pedal is attached (see below) near the middle of the pedal shaft when the service manual says the mechanical clutch rod would have connected to the topmost post above it on the pedal. What this attachment point appears to do is spend a lot of pedal travel moving the rod up (or down) and not so much in (out) which is why I think it takes so long to activate the clutch. These pedals were supplied by Keisler as part of the kit, so I don't know if that attachment point was drilled by them or by the person that installed it in the car.
The question here is do I need to move the connection point? If so, I then have to figure out how to either drill into that post to be able to attach the rod with the pedal in the car or figure out how to get the pedal out.