Schumacher header exhaust coating

I beileve she is saying the ceramic coating would be voided. Other places like Schumacher say it on there site. "Do NOT wrap the coated header" Because the heat held in as well as water damages the coating.

The manufacture of the coatings (that I have read) also state this.

Not sure in that she mentioned 3 different things. As a rule, traditional "polished" ceramic coatings should NOT be wrapped or covered with shields as it will prevent the coating from dissipating heat. Best case this would result in a significant dulling of the finish. Worst case you'd see dulling plus small rust blisters appear from over heating (similar to below).

Headers or components coated with 2000F High Temp Ceramics are not phased by wrapping. Though they're still vulnerable to some minor rusting if they are porous steel or cast iron parts.....
