Left turn signal better than right

Ok, back on topic of original post :). I just remembered... we replaced the sockets with 'new' ones (generic common part). I think one was actually broken (brittle). and that would b the right one. I am willing to accept that I may have a bad socket. Which I guess could be responsible for all the connection thoughts.

Is there any value in trying to find genuine Mopar socket from the 70's. I am willing to pay reasonably if that would be the best option.


It's not necessarily a bad socket, but you might as well start at one end of the problem and work to the other till you find the problem.
It can get messy and expensive to start somewhere in the middle of the possibilities.
As far as OEM or aftermarket goes you could very well have the same problem with an old one or a new one, so fixing the ones you have might be a best option if it's possible.
With bulb sockets if I have one that the springs are trashed in or a broken pad I buy a new socket and use the contact pad and springs out of it and use the OE socket.

To Kit:
I know it's supposed to be bad ju ju to say things like "reliable" but this car and I have a relationship like a rancher and his favorite horse.
We came to understandings early on that I would buy it presents all the time and it would run all the time. :D
So far we have both kept up our ends of the deal.
(Seriously though, I can fix anything that it can break)