Thinking of swapping mufflers but got a question pertaining to my 340

I disagree . volume vs velocity is a very important consideration in an exhaust system, just like an intake system, just like HVAC

Except for 2 things. HVAC doesn't have near the speed, nowhere near the heat, and don't forget the sound waves.

The new normal I high dollar crap is much smaller exhaust valves with much higher speeds. If you spend the $$$$$ then you have to go all the way back to the exhaust lobe and start there. For 99.99% of us, the exhaust lobes we get are not designed for small area, ultra fast port and pipe speeds, which also requires very small header pipes (relatively), merge collectors and a couple of other things.

This thing has been beat senseless over on speed talk. Big Joe Sherman and I had very similar results with merge collectors and crap like that. Joe wrote about it a bit. Neither he nor I ever worked with an exhaust lobe like some of the other guys are. Of course, when you start working with the exhaust lobe, you have to consider the intake lobe as well because one affects the other.

It's not a cut and dry as it might seem. Very complicated.

Calvin Elston has sone very good tech on his site. You just have to use google.