Early A-Body front sway bar help?
Firm Feel is an aftermarket company that started basically rebuilding power steering boxes for mopars and adjusting the valving for more of a firm feel. If you read old reviews of then new mopars a very common complaint was the lack of road feel, or over assist, in the power steering systems.. Now Firm Feel manufactures new manual steering boxes, sway bars, and even torsion bars I think. Nice folks based on my conversations with them at local shows, with a quality product. Do you need one? No, but there are advantages. the standard manual box, regardless of year is 24:1 ratio equating to 7.5 steering wheel revolutions from lock to lock (full left to full right turn positions). As Halfafish alluded to, this creates a lot of hand over hand when on a twisty road or track. For a few years, Mopar offered a 16:1 ratio manual box in select muscle car/option packages (4.5 turns lock to lock) but they are so rare and hard to find that for practicality sake they are extinct. The thing to remember is that as you decrease the ratio numerically, you are losing leverage and turning the steering wheel requires more effort. Not an issue once moving, but you may need gorilla arms for parallel parking. Also this steering effort increases with wider contact patch tires, softer compound tires, track specific front end alignments, and decreases in steering wheel diameter. The 20:1 boxes seemed to be the best reasonable compromise between the two. The Firm Feel 20:1 box is a cost effective replacement if your manual steering box is shot and your facing a rebuild charge. If your box is good, it becomes a question of is the cost worth it for the type of driving you do, in my opinion.