B&M Hammer - Console mods
Got a little bit of time last night to examine the shifter and top plate a bit more carefully. Modifying the top plate to except the gear indicator (the Hammer Shifter has a sliding LED light on a rail that's moved by a cable connected to the shifter mechanism) looks like it is doable but due to the size of the shifter handle diameter and the short throw of the handle, the slot in the top plate will have to be modified heavily to accept it.
So if I'm going to have to modify it that much I might as well cut the raised area around the shifter slots completely out and modify it to receive the top that came with the shifter. I made a template from the shifter base and test fit it over my console plate and it looks like it will work really well with minimal work. Time to go and get some new cut off wheels for the Dremel...... I'll post pics when I get to working on it.