Father, Son, and Grand Father project. 1963 Valiant

Next, since the radiator support was no longer in the way, we decided to test fit the 318/727 combo with our home made dual exhaust Trans x member and "truck" mounts. The pass side slid right in and the driver side only required some minor trimming to fit perfect. The engine sits perfectly level, and has about a 1-2 degree lay back IIRC.




It required removing the pinch weld completely and re welding the floor, and a some massaging of the tunnel, but the 727 fit…tightly. But it has clearance so we're all good.

Next we removed the engine and Trans and reinstalled the 1965 radiator support. It went ok, I think the drivers side rail was slightly pushed in at some point…so more massaging was required. (Are you seeing a theme here. Lol)

