Gettin' Personal

Hey guys,

Last month I was diagnosed with stage one prostate cancer. It was found by chance during a routine checkup. My PSA level was a little high, so my Dr. sent me to a urologist. He performed a biopsy. This was one of the most humilating days of my life. With no anesthesia, he went there and pulled out 12 samples. One of the 12 looked suspicious so I was sent for an MRI. This photographed my prostate in 3D. From there they were able to see the entire prostate and noticed 3 areas that looked suspicious. Then another biopsy was taken. This time 6-10 were taken from the 3 areas. Thank GOD they provided anesthesia. I received the results from the 3 spots on Jan 18. Two of the 3 were nothing to worry about but the 3rd was positive. My urologist gave me 3 options. Watchful Waiting which they will perform more biopsys twice a year and see if it grows. Radiation beams or Seeds and Surgery. I was then scheduled to see a surgeon and a radiologist. Iin late January, I met with the surgeon. The guy was a total jerk. So I did a little homework and found another surgeon and am scheduled to see him next week. In the mean time, last week I met an Oncologist. I have never felt more comfortable. He explained the processes very well as well as the side effects. This has been eating me alive so I have been trying to stay busy. I am getting this out there so maybe you guys will go and get yourself checked. Prostate cancer effects 1 in 7 men and is the 2nd leading cause of death in males. My dad had it when he was 70. I am 45. I always knew I would probably get it, just not this soon. I know I'll survive but I will never be the same.

Please do yourself, family and friends here a favor and get yourself checked.


The urologist that did the first biopsy should get his *** kicked. No reason they shouldn't of scheduled that as a surgical procedure and put you under conscious sedation.