Stop in for a cup of coffee

Someone said, it's like a whole library goes away, when someone like your neighbor passes. And, as people often say, it is a blessing that she was still living a full live and didn't suffer a long illness.
It's all very true.

A few years ago she had both knees replaced and we helped nurse her through it and get strong again. We had 6 years of time enjoying her company and in the end we will feel the sadness but celebrate the joy of the time we had with her...and wish only that we could have had more of it.

It's hard to lose friends and even harder when they are suddenly gone and there was never a chance to say 'goodbye'. No one wants to see someone suffer a long ending, but I think we all would like to have just a few moments to tell them again that we love them and say goodbye.

Now we can only say it without her...and hope that she can somehow still hear the words and feel the love behind them.