Camshafts, idle quality, driveability and LSA-REAL WORLD EXP and OPINION

So we can ignore the overlap period altogether? Idle vacuum is all about how long (duration) and how high (lift) BOTH the intake and exhaust valves are open. This is viewed on a cam graph as the overlap triangle. The overlap triangles area (how large or small it winds up) is a by product of the LSA and what determines idle characteristics of that cam to a very large degree--even more so than duration, IME. J.Rob

BTW, overlap is critical. Never said it wasn't. There is so much bullshit being posted, like moving the LSA by moving the exhaust lobe. Who does that, and why?

Does anyone change the ICL and test that? I have. It show exactly what I say it does. Advancing the cam closes the intake earlier, thus, increases low speed power and increases idle vacuum.