Camshafts, idle quality, driveability and LSA-REAL WORLD EXP and OPINION

I'm just glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. These camshaft know-it-alls sure make me feel good about leaving my camshaft decisions to a professional.
Many of
What is actually scary is I still feel the same way! When I finally think I have a solid handle on something--Wham! An example comes along and turns almost everything I know on its head. Back to square 1. J.Rob
Don't over engineer. Most of us just want more performance but we don't care if it puts out maximum horsepower for the size of engine. Many times we have to work with what components we have. (Intake, heads, compression, etc. How many here have built too much and it's not fun to drive. Maximum power isn't always the best.