My first mopar "stranded" moment with the HEI setup

The 7-pin module was sourced from a stock HEI distributor. Not sure of era.
Do want to hijack the topic, but would you know anything about the 'bypass'-mode on these modules?
Without the remaining pins hooked up, the module will always run in 'bypass-mode'. I'm wondering if this has any effect on its dwell settings perhaps.

As far as I know bypass (called limp mode in the industry here) only locks the timing at a fixed spot so it doesn't move.
The timing was a function of the computer in the car it came out of where the timing wouldn't advance if the computer thought there was a problem somewhere in the system and limit the cars performance.
Once the timing is set on them in a mechanical advance capable distributor they act like a standard ignition module that doesn't have computer control.

This is what I was told when I first started to look into them, and I can't think of any reason the 7 pin would be any different.