416 Burning oil and the road to redemption

I gotta tell ya Jesse, I've never had to clearance a Mopar roller rocker after getting the geometry, aka shaft location, correct.

In these pics, a customer had issues and was told by a respected cylinder head guy that his rockers were an old design and didn't have enough clearance so he would need to grind on them. I told him not to grind on anything until he installed the correction kit, and he had a ton of clearance afterward.View attachment 1714999066 View attachment 1714999067 View attachment 1714999068
I wonder how many people have been hacking on their expensive new rockers when they run into this problem? Far too many, I would guess.

This is one of several 9 second cars that are running corrected geometry with one of my kits. I wish he would have sent after photos, but he didn't. He did just call to order another kit for his sons car though.

If anyone is grinding rockers, especially with less than a 1.650" spring, the geometry is probably not right. As bad as these photos look, he didn't have to touch the rockers with a grinder.

One last thought; valve float will chew up hardened spring shims as well. Your shims look just like the hardened ones on a set of Indy -1s in the shop right now that had valvetrain issues. Might be worth considering.

I'll see if I can locate some photos of these rockers after the correction has been made. I know it's not a true before and after, but at least there is an example to reference.

I think it would be safe to bet that 75% of modified sbm's geometry is less than sufficient . it is something very important but not discussed in depth enough . someone should do a thread on installing a B3RE kit on a messed up geometry engine to make it right .I find this very interesting and I have read all of B3RE info on his site it is a very interesting read for sure that I need to read 4 or 5 more times to fully understand . I have seen many nice rockers over the years that were ground up or ruined in my opinion and it's from just not understanding what's going on .