Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah good news is that I have friends who have companies hiring and They're willing to work to get me on, just both are gonna be big commuting jobs for what I'm making now already
Well, to give you some perspective that might help, I was laid off back on Dec 11, 2009 when I lived in Memphis. I had a 5 year old daughter, a wife who was a stay at home mom and a house that I had bought just over 2 years earlier. I also had only about 4 months income in reserve and no local job prospects for what I do.

I pulled myself up and found a job here in PA for the same money. I spent the next 11 months working here during the week, living in a spare room with my parents in NJ during the week, doing a 90 minute commute to work each way and then flying back and forth every weekend to Memphis just to spend a day and a half with my family (I did 92 flights back and forth). I then rented a small townhouse and moved them here just so we could all be together. I spent the next 5 years paying the mortgage on an empty house in Memphis that I couldn't sell without losing $40k and paying for the townhouse too (which I actually bought after 3 years).

Sounds awful right? Not entirely...there is a flip side.

After 5 years here in PA, I nearly doubled my salary through promotions and work success, rented the house in Memphis to a friend in June 2015, bought a nice big house in a good neighborhood and sold the townhouse. I also pushed my cash reserves from 5 months salary to over 18 months worth.

This past September, I got laid off again..but this time I'm living in a place where there are lots of opportunities for what I do and I had a new job within a few weeks at 10% more than I was making at the last one. I also pushed further and picked up consulting work worth 25% of my full-time salary to add to it.

Point is, you have to keep pushing and making it happen no matter how tough it seems at the time. In the end, YOU make it what becomes.