Old School 340 Build

What are you talking about, when the hell does every Fred and bob have a jerico..ha man you are fake, I highly doubt you build anything..in fact you've dodged that question twice so far and now you're in this thread saying you wanna see the dynamic up a point or so??...oh no you don't, in the other thread its perfect below 8.1, remember? You think when the timing is up near 30 and it still starts like that its not a tell tail sign of low cranking pressure?? Bet your **** doesn't even run, the only thing you got running is your mouth, and mopower is a tool, I don't care what anyone here says, its just an assramming fest for some of you jack wads.

As to contribute.... great build, its soft on squeeze but it'll almost make it up in the top end, if it were 8.4 dynamic it would be a very good amount of usable torque, everywhere.

I have my timing locked out at 36 and it doesn't kick back.

I guess I'm just stupid and left power on the table.

I'll take lots of timing over no timing and a cam with no timing in it.

Time for you to eat that snickers and relax. You are too tight. Maybe some hippie lettuce would help you? Just typing out loud here, and trying to help you out.