Father, Son, and Grand Father project. 1963 Valiant
Not a lot to report today. Jason was at school, the weather sucked, (15 degrees), so me and dad locked ourselves in the barn. Lol.
More block sanding and filler.
I installed the trunk torsion bar slide that Cosgig sent me to replace the one that broke while aligning the trunk lid. Thanks again Geoff.
I finished scuffing down the trunk in preparation for primer while dad finished blocking the rockers.
Than we went around the car and found all the spots that needed filler and got those taken care of.
All and all, it was a productive day of busy work. We're probably about 2 days of busy work away from priming.
Dads going back to work next Monday after 3 months off with his knee replacement. So we're kinda hoping we can spray primer on Sunday. We will see. It depends on how the rest of the busy work goes. I don't want to rush it, but I'm also guilty of over thinking stuff…often. Lol
After primer comes MORE block sanding, than glazing puddy for anything small we missed while it was in bare metal.
Thanks for reading. Eric and Jason.