Winter project carb rebuilds

I would soak them in a bucket of carb cleaner first, scrub em off then blow them out with compressed air. Let them air dry for a day or two and you should be able to bring one in at a time and get started. Remember which came first , check ball/brass valve (if applicable) under the squirters and set the floats with the gasket in place. They are very simple to rebuild, I can do one under an hour
I use carburetor cleaner it comes in what looks like a metal gallon paint can. You can pick it up at Walmart or any auto parts store. I let it soak however long depending on how bad the carb is. I then will take and old toothbrush to it to clean any remaining areas. I don't know it it is good to do but last I rinse the carb cleaner off well with clean water then let all the parts air dry. Blow out any of the small passages with compressed air then rebuild. I have never a problem with any areas being gummed up.