Newbie: 1966 Dodge Dart GT

Regarding dying in a wreck, it reminds me of a story my dad told me once.

As a teen my dad had a straight axles 55 Chevy LT1/4spd/4.11s. So he had a '66vw to daily when the '55 was broke down. Anyways, as the story goes his neighbor, John Andrews, had a '63 Galaxie that was pristine. One day a truck pulled out in front of him and he slid into it hard and totaled the big Ford.

Later, with the wrecked ford back in the driveway, my dad and his buddy pulled up in the vw, and got out to check the damage on the ford. In the midst of the conversation, old Mr Andrews said "if it was you boys in that vw y'all would've died!" To which my dad's friend replied, " if it was us in the vw, would've come to a stop an had to walk another 50ft to get to that truck!".

Always made me laugh.