Please say a prayer for Nella

Howdy everybody, Geof here! I just wanted to update everybody on how Nella is doing! She has been trying her best to keep an even keel in the last couple months! Her time has finally come to go in for her FMK procedure on Monday, and we are hoping that it finally vanquishes her CDiff for good! It has a 96% success rate, so we are feeling very hopeful that it will be the last step in this very long saga! We were hoping to have the procedure all done by Christmas, but in typical clerical folly, they lost our check for the medicine, which is not covered by her insurance, so after 3 weeks and no response from them, we had to call and see what was the delay! We sent out another check the same day, and on the way back from mailing the new check, they called and "found the check in a pile of unopened mail"! No biggie right, they just put off a sick little girl's possible cure for almost 2 months!!! Not to mention that her insurance company denied paying for her antibiotics because we were using our local pharmacy, instead of driving all the way to the hospital to pick them up there! I don't know how, but they were $1400 for 15 days through our local pharmacy, but only $385 at the hospital!! So, it's ok, we'll just bundle her up in the winter and drive to the hospital to pick up pills!! That's our medical system at work!!!

So anyway, I will update everybody when the procedure is done and hopefully have a very positive conclusion to this whole ordeal! Your thoughts and prayers have really made a difference in our spiritual strength, and thanks will ever be enough to show how much you all mean to us! Hopefully our next post will include a big smile and one of Nellas supercyber hugs for you all!! Enjoy your weekend everybody!! Geof and Nella