Ah jeez... people bitched and moaned when Mopar didn't offer any muscle cars or even rear wheel drive cars for YEARS!! Now that Dodge is back on top of the horsepower wars and bringing out some badass muscle cars everyone bitches about "fiat" and "wrongfully used name plates" had fiat not bought Chrysler there would be no Chrysler and people would piss and moan about that!!! I can see why brand X people sometimes think Mopar people are snobby, stuck up, pricks!! Just be glad we have the option to go to a dealer and order the highest hp muscle car or sedan ever produced and it's a Mopar!! I for one and damn proud that Dodge hasn't succumbed to the hybrid, cracker box, shitty looking cars like like the majority of the gutless, man card stealing crap on the roads today!! (With exception of the dart....)
Rant over, I'm out.
P.S. no this is not directed at any one particular person, simply based off of many replies I've seen online from the ungratefuls that call themselves Mopar fans. And for anyone who wants to respond with "it's not Mopar, it's fiat" re-read the first part of my post.