Reputable 340 Rebuild Kit

Hi guys!

As you may know from another post I have going on, I was able to get my hands on a nice 340 motor which has been sitting for a little while (some years).

It does spin freely and I am in search of a good rebuild kit for it.

The motor is being built with a 6 pack set up on top.. i thought thatd be a valuable piece of info...

I'm not trying to set-up a race car, just something that gives a nice rumble and burns a little rubber if needed:)

The previous owner told me it was set up for track. It was placed on a dart which ran 11's.

It has dual spring valves, a low cam, j heads, and that's pretty much all i know. All this he told me. I am no motor techy guy, I do know the basics and have a mechanic thatll help me out building it... thats pretty much it.

Id love to hear the info and advice on a good/reputable rebuild kit for the 340.

I know everything varies on pistons, ring size, and and all (which i have no info of on mine) but like mentioned before, just looking for some good advice even if it means having to buy parts separately to make a good kit.

Some kits are listed for 68-71 and others 68-73. I know post 71's have different compression so that is why I have jumped here and attempting to avoid a disaster in buying the wrong parts.

Really appreciate it guys!!:thumbsup: