Concerning the slant-6 e-bodys
Many thanks to all of you who have responded to my thread. I am fairly new to things like I-pads and I-phones and such so please bear with me, I will get my pics up soon for you. I'll touch on some points pertaining to my Dodge. When I returned from overseas I needed a d/d, so the local Dodge dealership got this car in as a trade-in w/ 40k on clock, this was 1973. $1,100. Later it's mine. 43 years later and w/ 562k miles behind it, it's still mine. She is painted EK2 go-mango orange w/ SE trim ( no vinyl top ), a black SE interior. 225 in super six trim, hooker headers ( 3 into 1 ), real dual alum. exhaust, h-pipe, 2 glasspacks, chrome tips. Auto. on floor ( 904), 8-3/4 (3:23, 742 drop-out). She's off the road at this moment for necessary mechanicals. Things just wear out.