Senior Discounts

On the flip side a lot of young people who haven't had a lifetime of opportunity to build Capitol struggle and start at the low end of the pay scale. Where's their discount.
Dude, are you serious. How rude can you be. I worked my way through college making just above minimum wage in a grocery store. I worked hard for many years to get where I am now. After 20 years in the USAF, I went back to school to get an MBA so I could get a good job. For 5 years I worked in a Western Auto at half of what I was making in the AF because they would work my schedule around school. For those 5 years I had no life. I was either at school, at work, studying or sleeping. After graduating near the top of my MBA class, I got a job in a Federal Home Loan Bank; starting at the bottom in the Audit department. For the next 20 years I worked my way up and retired in 2015 as a Market Risk Analyst. I worked damn hard for everything I have, and if you object to me living comfortably after all that hard work, TOUGH. If you are not happy with your lot in life, do something about it. I did twice, and it was very difficult both times. I have earned my senior discounts.