9 Months after the A500 swap from a 904

Yeah yeah, sure... :wtf:

Just click, (or Copy, Paste and) bookmark below text in Google to satisfy the stalker-syndrome and your fanboyish favorite and flashy forum fetish fun, and see how full of it he is...
forabodiesonly "trailbeast" A500 site:www.forabodiesonly.com

:poke: :D
Why thank you BBM!! That helps a lot!! I'll have to add this to my shrine of all things by the mighty TrailBeast!!! This fix should be good for a few days at least! But if you could find me a pic of Greg in a Mopar speedo, I'd be set for a very long time!!

Btw, if anyone would like to join my TrailBeast Fan Club, just let me know. I am obvious member #1 and fan #1 and the president of the club but there may be room for others.. now if you all will excuse me I have to get back to lovablestalker.com.
