Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!
Yeah Asa, I didn't have that issue.. opening the package! It was done "opened" when I got it, and partly "done" (if ya wanna call it that) so.... as on the first page you can see how I bought it, the frame and suspension looked like crap! They weren't making it it look to be Daisy's Jeep "Dixie" by no means.... (I don't think I got pics of the body then) but that was painted flat black when I got it! (was a "sale item from a local hobby shop that had a entire back room fulla used, models, literally 1000's of them!) I bought several that day and a few paychecks afterwards as the highest paid price on one model was $12! ALL of them open, partly "started" o missing parts, and those missing parts, I got for even less, as they were willing to "haggle" on the price as marked for cars with missing parts! Then other times full boxes of parts, for $4? Yeah I was all over that too! LOL