More disc brake questions

Stock 73+ a-body calipers were 2.6". Not sure if that's 2-5/8" rounded off or not, some of the re-popped ones are spec'd at 66mm which is 2.6". I prefer the 15/16" master cylinder myself even with the 2.75" bore calipers. Anything from 7/8" to 1-1/32" will work.

Stock bore manual disc brake master cylinder for A body is 1-1/32" so this is why i am interested in the dippy master. Its the same bore as stock A body. This takes some guess work out of my equation. Caliper pistons being slightly larger than stock A body, it should soften the pedal , and make the calipers grip tighter. Sounds like a win to me.

Isnt the 15/16" master supposed to be for A body power disc brake cars? Trying not to get confused now.

I guess i will go with what i got, and try it. I may like the pedal feel, i may not.

Thanks again for all the info guys