Mystery - Strong Fuel Smell

Well, it's not us that have to be happy, it's you. Looking at this pic, I see the fuel filter still in the wrong place, and it's upside-down (this is worse, not better), fuel line is still metal and still runs close to hot head and header...doesn't look like you read post № 2 in this thread at all.

(Also, do yourself several enormous favours including making a big improvement in the fuel odour problem: wrap those headers clear all the way from the head down to the collector flange, then start wrappin' again for at least a few feet of the pipe behind the flange.)

Thanks, you've always been very helpful.

Would you please post a picture of how a proper fuel line is constructed and run on a SS?
I'm not sure what kind of fuel line to use (all rubber?), how to get it from one side of the engine to the carb without it crossing the head and intake/exhaust, and where and how the fuel filter should be positioned.

And what do you recommend I wrap the headers with? There are multiple materials out there.