What stops you from moving to another state ??

Raised in Jersey for 57 years, and want to move in Northeast Alabama near a cousin who relocated there 8 years ago and loves it. Cindy actually got 2 great job offers(60k+ is great for Alabama where your property taxes are under $100 a month)in Birmingham, but we were not ready to make the move. We are thinning the herd in the basement and garage, so when the headhunter calls again, our answer can be yes. I am also tired of traffic, headlights at night, traffic, endless building, noise, traffic, being asked to pay for everything, corruption that rivals NYC, traffic, rude people, Taxes,etc. Being able to see my neighbors house 500 feet away if fine with me, as well as a workshop for the Dart. Heck, I will take slow paced old fashioned living any day. A busy Saturday being cutting the lawn and BBQing a brisket. Family, friends, neighbors and fabo friends would be the hard part, as well as knowing it wasnt like this when I was a kid.