How to ask for Sponsorship

I hate to say it but I'm STUPID!!! Back in '75 I was in the military and did a lot of street racing (Mopars). I decided to approach the local Mopar dealer and make a pitch to get a sponsorship to race cars under their name. I had taken my professional mechanic with me to the meeting. After some fancy talking they agreed to let me have any engines and engine parts for their cost. I would have to advertise their name (dealership) on the car. I bought four 440 engines from the local scrap yards and disassembled them.
I don't remember all the details but I never followed up on the deal. I was young and crazy!! I didn't have much money (E3) so I also didn't have any financial backing.

Thinking about it now......I think about all the hemi and 440 engine parts I could have bought for cheap!! So yes, I was stupid...I had a good idea but never followed through.
Just my two cents...:mob::mad::soapbox::BangHead:

