What stops you from moving to another state ??

I was active duty in the Air Force for 21 years moving a lot, then moving some more after retiring from the Air Force. We lived in Kansas, the United Kingdom, Texas, Idaho, Arkansas, Connecticut, Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia, and back to Georgia.

I loved seeing different parts of the country and different customs and people. I'm originally from Pennsylvania and my wife is originally from Arkansas. We decided to move back to Georgia when I was laid off from my job in Virginia. In a way, it was difficult to leave Virginia. We owned a house 4 miles from the Virginia Beach oceanfront and I loved taking my car down the strip on the weekends. Of course, there was plenty of eye candy there too!! What finally decided it for us was the crime and the city of Virginia Beach. Crime was off the chart high and the city of Virginia Beach itself is not a very attractive place. We moved without having a job...just around two years worth of living expenses in our checking account.

We love the hills, trees, lakes, and people here in north Georgia and we are ready to settle and stay put for the rest of our lives!!

Lots of prayer went into our decision to move back and it turned out to be a great decision. I've never been afraid to put it all out there and take chances and I've never regretted any of my decisions. There were some that didn't go as planned, but I learned from each one.

Go for it!!!!!