What stops you from moving to another state ??

I hear it all the time....I want to LEAVE this stupid state!
For years, census figures have shown a population shift where people were moving further south and further west. In 1967, my parents moved from the Michigan/Ohio area and headed to California. They both had enough of the snow and wanted to raise the family in an area with more opportunity.
I've lived all of my life. I love the weather, I love the scenery.
I do NOT like the politics. I do not like the excessive traffic. So far, I have not reached my boiling point. I like my house and yard. I'd move, but where is it better ?
What about your family? I can get work anywhere, same with the wife. I just wonder where I could have the same weather and scenery without the idiot politicians. I love the Texas spirit. From what I have seen, the state looks barren and brown.

My musings at 57 years old...if you have family, friends and a locale that is "home," think through about the effects of moving away. Are the "politics" really so onerous to your everyday life, or are we getting caught up the wave of dissent? There may very well be idiot politicians wherever we move. My Dad made the decision in the middle of raising his children to move the whole family away. He was happy but none of the kids felt at home in a place so different from what we knew as home...after high school everyone left and moved all over, and now there's no place that feels like home. Sure, life is good, but I do envy people who live in a community where their family is known, where people watched you grow up, where you have cousins, aunts, and uncles, grandparents, family friends, where you have memories attached. Anytime my siblings and I want to see each other, it is a major trip, and we have really only a few hours to spend together. You may find later on it becomes a lonely feeling.